CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears

CHF Virtual Summit 2021: Shifting Gears
Australia and New Zealand Consumer Experience and Leadership in Health Summit


Australasia’s inaugural consumer health summit went virtual, putting the high impact event in reach of a wider audience within Australia, New Zealand and worldwide.

Consumers as leaders in healthcare were a central theme of this first Australian and New Zealand Consumer Experience and Leadership in Health Summit.

CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears brought together consumers and other leaders from the health sector, to explore the latest research and developments which drive health towards a consumer-centered culture.

The Summit Program Advisory Committee hope you had an inspiring two days while attending the CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears. If you registered for the event and would like to view the recorded presentations, please go to the virtual platform below:

CHF Summit 2021: Shifting Gears 

All presentations are still available on the above virtual platform and will remain on there for up to one year post event.

Please remember to login on the top right corner, and then click on "Watch on Demand" on the top left.